Friday, August 28, 2009

New Meaning of "Boob Tube"

The photo below is causing a stir in the journo world. It's of two Denver News Anchors "letting it all hang out" if you will on the cover of Denver Magazine.

Where do your opinions fall?
Is it just another example of the bimbo-ization of news and a symbol of all that is ruining the credibility of local news?
Or do TV folk have a right, perhaps even a duty, to show the viewers they have a personal life, can have fun and not take themselves too seriously?

My opinion? I think it's a great picture. Such a move might not play well in St. Louis, Dallas or Tampa, but Denver is a pretty progressive market and these are two long-time anchors/personalities so I doubt it will hurt the ladies personally or professionally. A younger anchor/reporter is another story. As for their stations, well as is oft said, bad publicity is better than no publicity!

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